5 Must Read Book For Every Student

5 Must Read Book For Every Student

In this blog, you will get to know about five astonishing books of versatile genres every student should read at least once during their school or college days. You must be thinking — “I hardly had time to read and complete my coursebook and syllabus, then why I should read the book out of my course?”  

The answer is simple there are lots of benefits of inculcating the habit of reading the books, but I am going to list them which might be helpful for you like: 

  • Reading improves memory and strengthens the brain. 

  • It enhances your vocabulary. 

  • Reduces stress and helps in increasing focus power. 

  • You get to learn about different subject matters. 

  • Help you in developing analytical skills. 

  • You get more filtered knowledge. 

  • Help you in overcoming the addiction of binge-watching web series and social media. 

  • It increases your creative skill and imagination power. 

 So, you knew the benefit of reading. Here is the list of books to begin with your reading journey. 


  • Author: Adam Alter 

  • Genre: Self-Help 

  • Page: 368  

  • Talks about: Psychology, Social Media, Behavioral Addiction, Game, Technology 

Synopsis: This era of millennials is comprised of several behavioral addictions like liking Instagram posts, scrolling FB feeds, binging Netflix or YouTube for hours, spending an average of three hours on screen. Everybody is stuck on their phone and teenager mostly preferred to spend their time in front of a screen that they struggle to interact with people in the real world. 

The author of this book, Adam Alter, a professor of psychology and marketing at NYU, analyzes the rise of behavioral addiction and explains why the product nowadays is so irresistible. The companies that design these products tweak them over time until they become almost impossible to resist.


  • Author: Héctor García and Francesc Miralles 

  • Genre: Self-Help 

  • Page: 208 

  • Talks about: Art of living, life balance, healthier and longer life, Japanese culture, productivity, self-care 

Synopsis: Based on an ancient Japanese technique called Ikigai, this book preaches various aspects of life revolving around the central theme of healthier and longer life. 

Ikigai is the Japanese word that derives from ‘iki‘, meaning life and ‘kai’, meaning the realization of hope and expectations. In short, discovering oneself, Ikigai is the reason behind longevity and translates to finding a reason for one being in this world.


  • Author: Robert Kiyosaki 

  • Genre: Self-Help 

  • Page: 336 

  • Talks about: Finance, asset, liability, wealth creation, financial literacy 

Synopsis: This book is about the experience of the author Robert Kiyosaki with the money and his two dads, poor dad, his real father and rich dad his best friend’s father. The way his both fathers used to treat money and the sheer contrast between their ideology regarding investing is the central plot of the book. 

The author mainly focuses on how school or college never gives you financial education and is never taught us about — “How to make money work for you, instead of working for money.


  • Author: Yuval Noah Harari 

  • Genre: Self-Help 

  • Page: 512 

  • Talks about: Humankind history, the origin of human history, different kinds of humans, hunter and gatherer to the farmer, survival of the fittest, revolution. 

Synopsis: Written by Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens explores the dynasty of humankind of 100,000 years, a journey from primitive hunters and gathers to modern space explorers, how humanity dominates life on earth. 

The human species may not have evolved biologically much but we evolved socially creating several languages and social groups. 

  • Author: Dale Carnegie 

  • Genre: Self-Help 

  • Page: 296 

  • Talks about: improving social skills, becoming a people person, making friends easily, avoiding arguments, enhancing persuasion and communication skills. 

Synopsis: How to win friends and influence people is one of the most popular self-help book written by Dale Carnegie. This book has covered several real-life examples and advice to improve your social skill. 

It consists of six ways to make people like you, the twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking, and the nine ways to change people without arousing resentment.